Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 2

So yesterday was pretty tough, the juicing thing really sucks when you work at a lace that sells hot food. The curse of working at Whole Foods is while there is a ton of really healthy things to eat there is also a lot of really delicious but really not good for you food. The worse part is the having to run to the rest room every hour to pee which is not easy to do when you are really busy.

The juice I made yesterday was packed with a bunch of green veggies that everyone says are really good for juice fasting. I juiced kale, cucumbers, celery, spinach, pineapple and a tiny bit of ginger. It could have probably used some lemon in it but it was drinkable. Today's juice was a mixture of carrots, beets, parsnips, rhubarb, apples, and lemon. It came out really sweet compared to yesterdays juice and since the carrots and beets have natural sweetness I am probably going to leave out the apples next time. I have been googling juice recipes but they are usually for 16 oz of juice and I don't have time for that, It is really so much easier when your juice a ready for an entire day.

As far as exercise is going I had a lot of fun at my Zumba class yesterday and am looking forward to doing yoga tomorrow. Since monday is a holiday I may end up just going on the elptical for an hour instead of class because I am not sure of the schedule. I am off tuesday and wednesday so I may go hiking both days it depends on if I can get anyone to go with me.

Starting weight: 202
Current weight: 200
Goal weight: 145

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